Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Don't Worry, Be Happy :)


So alot of my friends now are gone to their college via the SPC program, and I'm still here at home xD It's quite fun to hear them enjoying their college life even before the SPM results come out. As for me, I like to just enjoy my holidays but honestly, I'm a little jealous about it. Hm..

But I keep on reminding myself.

"Minn, rezeki orang lain-lain. Semuanya Allah dah aturkan yang terbaik untuk kita. Mungkin hari ni kita bersedih, tapi Insya-Allah hari kemudian pasti kita akan gembira"

And that is Allah's promise.

"Maka sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan ada kemudahan. Sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan ada kemudahan"

(Al-Syarh : Ayat 5 - 6)

So never ever ever stop praying :) 

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